What is Satsang?


This Eternal Mastery page is dedicated to people who have done their ‘homework” and are searching for Satsang and the answers to the deeper philosophical questions in life. Who am I? What is my purpose? What is this all about? These are questions that human beings have asked since the dawn of mankind and will be addressed in Satsang.


What is unique about this approach is that Christopher DeSanti incorporates his vast background of intense searching and inquiring, expanding over a period of 20 years into his modern day Satsang. His experience can serve to save you a lot of time, as Chris cuts right to the core of the human predicament with only one goal in mind: awakening people from the suffering in their life and bringing them to the realization of their own True Nature.


It is a direct, powerful approach that draws on his many roles as a Transformational Trainer, Teacher, and Mystic to present age-old wisdom through Satsang in a new, unique, and fresh voice. Join Christopher DeSanti on his live streaming Satsang, delivered FREE every Wednesday at 7:30pm eastern standard time.