Reserve Your Spot – Live on 3.11.21 at 7pm EST
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What Do You Really Want?
I am going to tell you. Whether you realize it or not you want PEACE OF MIND. Everyone does and most don’t even know it. Over the years after testing it with over 10,000 people, I realized that no matter how much money, success, fame, or accomplishments people have, it still doesn’t equate to PEACE OF MIND. I am talking about the deep peace that everything is working out for your own good.
Like the game of life is rigged in your favor. The calm quiet peace and certainty that nothing can shake you. If you don’t have it, you don’t have anything. You see our minds are restless and if we are really honest, we see that with a restless mind, everything is hard and chaotic.
With peace, EVERYTHING falls into place.
It’s Simple.
And if we are talking peace, there is a modern teaching that stands above the rest in generating a very clear experience of peace. A road map out of the insanity of your mind. I know because I have watched it work for many.
There is so much the critics have said about it. People even sued each other over the material. You may have heard that it is channeled.
What the heck does that even mean?
The list goes on and on. But the thing that isn’t spoken about enough, is how this teaching can literally change humanity and most importantly your MIND. I only know because before I taught it to thousands, I had to use it on myself.
Everyday. For a long time. Nearly a third of my life.
And now it can do the same for you. Like learning a new language, learn it from those who speak it.
There is no better time than now.
Live on 3.11.21 at 7pm EST
Are you ready to experience the miracle?
Have you been called to learn more about what wisdom A Course In Miracles has to offer?
Are you looking for powerful tools and deep wisdom to help you stay balanced, grounded, and at peace so you can move through tumultuous times with ease and grace?
Do you want to find ways to not take things personally, feel like a victim of your circumstances, and instead take responsibility for everything that happens so that you can feel empowered and happy?
In this curated masterclass you will:
- Learn tools on how to connect with your soul and discover the depth of your own personal power, so that you can be at peace in your life no matter what the external circumstances are.
- Develop the mind-body-soul connection, so that you have a place to go back to over and over again within yourself to find the answers and bring you back to center.
- Inquire into what is your function here on this planet in times of crisis, so that you can step into inspired action that is in alignment with your divine purpose.
- Begin deep healing on any parts of yourself that you feel are holding you back so that you can be in the full radiance of who you are and shine that light out to the world with kindness and dignity.
If you are ready to elevate your personal evolution with the teachings from ‘A Course in Miracles”…
then join us!
Workshop is Wednesday 3/11 at 7 pm EST.
Register today to save your spot!
Live on 3.11.21 at 7pm EST
Christopher DeSanti experienced a sudden shift at a young age and became a seeker of higher knowledge. Before this shift, his life revolved around athletics, mainly basketball, which led him to a level of nationwide notoriety for his talent. While recuperating from a basketball injury, he came across a book called “The Journey”. This was the moment when the course of his life forever altered. A fire started that led him to seek deeper understanding from philosophers and Masters of all walks of life.
Beginning in the shamanic world of the Native Americans, eventually he was led to the Masters of India, where he spent over a decade studying, meditating, and reflecting on the words and practices from this rich lineage. He made his first journey at the age of twenty-two to India to attend Satsang with a Teacher from Mumbai (Satsang is a term that refers to two or more people coming together, ‘Sang” for the higher teaching of the wisdom of the SELF which is ‘Sat).
After many years, Christopher DeSanti went back to India, this time with a deeper understanding of life after spending eight years as a Mortgage Broker. When the market shifted nationwide in 2008, it presented an opportunity to start over again and create a life that was totally dedicated to sharing the answers he had discovered.
Real People, Real Testimonials
“Words fall short to describe my gratitude for Chris DeSanti. From being my trainer in transformational leadership training to being my spiritual teacher, Chris has supported me in finding peace in all areas of my life. His extensive knowledge and vigilance in his own study with A Course in Miracles is truly inspiring. He has a unique set of skills that have helped me find clarity and peace during trying, uncertain and chaotic times in my life.. I truly believe spirituality is a pillar in every person’s life and I’m looking forward to Chris’s new course.”